Improve customer service with a comprehensive claims management system

While the Customer Portal allows the client to initiate claims, follow up on their processes, and provide additional information, the Back-Office guides the user through the entire process from an initial review to final settlement


  • Medical malpractice claims
  • Medical billing
  • Insurance reimbursements
  • Workers' compensation claims
  • Patient injury claims


  • Auto insurance claims
  • Property insurance claims
  • Life insurance claims
  • Liability insurance claims

Retail & Logistics

  • Production liability claims
  • Warranty claims
  • Accident claims
  • Consumer complaints
  • Return and refund claims

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Manage the full claim management lifecycle

Core capabilities

How does it work?

Customer Portal

Empower customers by providing a user-friendly platform to manage their claims effectively

After adding the necessary information, clients can submit their claims which means the request is sent to the back-office application via integration.

The settlement, which is the initial agreement with the claimant and parties involved, must be adjusted once each type of claim is evaluated: considering the case, insurance policy, and information relevant to the claim. Depending on the nature of the claim, the insurance type, and the industry, the settlement can vary and be tailored. In essence, the settlement establishes the type of compensation (reimbursement, reinstatement, replacement, repair) as well as the settlement agreement with the parties: the insurance provider, or the policyholder, details from vendors, etc.

The final resolution establishes the final agreement, adjudication, status of the claim (favorable or unfavorable to the client) and the details relevant to the case: evaluation, documents, dates, justification, contracts.

Explore Customer Portal

Streamline claim processing

Simplify the process of claim creation, tracking, and resolution by offering a centralized platform, customers can easily initiate and manage their claims online.

Exceptional user experience

Efficient communication

Transparency and visibility

Prompt settlements and feedback

How does it work?


Optimize claim handling, streamline processes, and provide efficient tools for management

An analyst has an option to either send a claim to evaluation to the handling department or ask for some adjustments from the client. If the claim was sent to evaluation the handling analyst can add multiple evaluation items and a resolution. The customer will get the notification about the update with the summary.

On Back-Office side the business process is designed to cover multiple scenarios such as requesting missing information from clients, necessary approvals and internal corrections of evaluation. The customer gets a notification about what they need to adjust in their application.

The analytics and reporting section display common and custom statistics of claims, it's volume, claim trends, filter by claim statuses, resolution time and also allows decisions makers to customize reports with information of their interest.

The Back-Office employees are divided into two main departments: Notice department, which is responsible for the initial review of new requests and Handling department which evaluates the claims and defining the proper settlements for each case. The platform allows the administrator to assign specific access rights to different user groups or users. The setup is under Administration, access control.

Explore Back-Office

Efficiently handle claims

The system facilitates smooth claim handling from start to finish, automating processes and ensuring timely resolution.

Effective communication channels

Comprehensive claim statistics

Streamlined workflow and collaboration

Continuous improvement

Connect to any data source

Thanks to the open API, the platform allows data exchange with all data sources: file systems, databases, web services, and message brokers.

Choose a robust claim management solution


Low-code technology makes it possible to tailor your solution to your needs without programming


The platform can be used by teams of any size and withstands high loads


The solution implements cutting-edge low-code technologies with machine learning for complex calculations

Ready to see how Junica can empower your customer-care?